Arizona advances the bill to prevent AI from rejecting medical claims
Law made by the state of Arizona Thursday improved a bill that would ban the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to deny treatment claim.
The Arizona House of Representatives passed the Act 3-1, two lawmakers were sitting out of the vote, and it has now moved to the state Senate for consideration.
This bill, which is the state rap.
“Now with the progress of AI algorithms in almost every part of our life we want to make sure that it does not interrupt any healthcare or have any additional pressure access to a patient,” Wilfby said at a committee hearing earlier this month.
He added, “What we want in it is any of the claims that any of the suppliers find them for completeness, to make sure that the AI algorithm may not be responsible, to ensure that there is nothing to be responsible for,” He added.
The Arizona Bill Mirror Law, which passed the California Legislative Assembly last year and signed the California Governor Gavin News (D) Act in September.
Physicians require a healthcare provider to review any denial, delay or care change on the basis of treatment requirements, which were implemented last month.
California State Sen Josh Baker (D), who launched the bill, said, “Artificial intelligence is an important and growing equipment in diagnosing and treating patients, but what kind of healthcare the patient receives should not be finalized.” In a statement in December.
States have passed numerous AI laws in recent years, as most AI laws have been postponed at the federal level. According to the Business Software Alliance, the law-related bills were enacted in the state level in 2021.
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