The head of the Teachers Union is a battle with Elon Musk through Tesla shares

The head of American teachers, Randy Winjarten, urges the senior investors of Tesla to review the current evaluation of the company on behalf of its union members.

Winjern, who heads one of the largest unions in the country, formulated a speech on Thursday indicating a decrease in the price of Tesla share, the latest financial disclosures, the electric vehicle competition (EV) and the “deterioration” of the brand as reasons for review.

“Given these increasing concerns and the impact of potential materials on the governor of pension funds, I can respond in detail in detail the evaluation of your company to evaluate the current Tesla and the steps you take to protect the members of AFT who are your clients and beneficiaries.”

The message was sent to the executives of six asset managers, with the copying of the Tesla Council and Eileon Musk copied to the message.

In the message, we goatarten immediately after Musk, saying it is a great reason that people lose confidence in Tesla.

According to the American EV Jobs alliance, EV consumers – who open to EVS as soon as the costs have decreased – the musk width is negatively, making customer expansion more difficult. Only last week, Stephen Jinjo, Steel -Steel, announced that Safi Tesla is in the lowest level ever at 3 percent, a decrease of 9 percent in January 2024. “

Wegarten, which represents 1.8 million education, health care workers and the public sector, says its members have an estimated 4 trillion dollars of retirement security assets.

“Every worker deserves a safe retirement. This week we just saw that Tesla shares continue to drown faster than Cyberrtruck in fast sand. So we ask asset managers to sincerely look at their investments in Tesla.”

We persiminen is famous for its invitation to democratic platforms and has made it clear that she opposes many of the Trump administration’s actions.

Recently, its federation filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Education on the message “Dear Fellow”, which informed K-12 and higher education schools to get rid of its diversity programs, property rights and inclusion.

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