LOEFFLER: SBA will transfer 6 offices of “Cities of the Haram”

Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced that it will transfer six of its regional offices from the “cities of the haven”, which are often called, on the pretext that the current sites are bad for small business societies and lack of compliance with the Federal Immigration Law.

Kelly Levler said on Thursday that SBA will transport offices from Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York City and Sayattle to “less expensive and easier sites” that follow immigration laws and better serve business communities.

“Today, I am pleased to announce that this agency will interrupt access to loans to illegal foreigners and transfer our regional offices from the cities of the sanctuary that rewards criminal behavior,” Levler said in a statement.

She added: “We will return our focus on enabling legal and qualified business owners throughout the United States – in partnership with municipalities who share this commitment of this administration to secure borders and safe societies.”

The advertisement did not share the new sites to which regional offices will move.

The term “resort cities” usually refers to the municipalities that “refuse to cooperate entirely with federal detention requests related to non -documented migrants,” according to Beitanica. They have been criticized regularly by legislators.

During the hearing of the House of Representatives Supervision Committee on Wednesday-the mayor of Boston Michelle Wu (D), the mayor of New York City Eric Adams (D), the mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson (D) and the mayor of Denver Mike Johnston (D)-Deputy Anna Polina Luna (R-FLA), will indicate criminality to the criminal administration.

“You are all talking about a broken migration system, but here you are comrades help them and incite them in that entire process,” said Luna.

Trump said last year that if the president is elected, he will invite Congress to pass legislation to prohibit resort cities.

“Once I take over my position, we will immediately impose federal law to every city that failed, many of them, to hand over criminal foreigners, and we will search for every member of a gang, drug dealer, rapist, killer and migrant criminal that illegally involves.”

Lovler also said on Thursday that companies will not be able to obtain SBA loans if their owners are not “complete or partly” American citizens.

“In the era of President Trump, SBA is committed to the situation of American citizens at first – starting with making sure that the dollars of taxpayer billets go to finance illegal foreigners,” said Lovler.

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