Scott Perry says Medicaid ‘legally’ no one will lose coverage

Rep. Scott Perry (R-P.) suggested Sunday that Medicaid “legally” would not lose their coverage because of the GOP effort to reduce the cost.

In an interview with News “The Hill Sunday”, anchor Chris Steywalt noted that Republicans should only be targeted than waste, fraud and abuse, to achieve their targeted steep expenses.

Steerwalt mentions that the Office of Management and Budget says that about 5 percent of the federal payments are inappropriate, which sterewalt mentions, more than $ 1 billion in Medicaid.

“You all want to spend more than the next 10 years than the next 10 years.” “Can you really promise that no one will lose their health coverage?”

“I think that the promise we think is that in Medicaid legally no one will lose their coverage and I think it is important,” said Perry as a response.

He suggested that Medicaid cuts could influence those who illegally moved to the United States.

“You are talking about paying inappropriate money, but you did not include such people here illegally. If you are here illegally you should not be in any federal assist program. This is not designed for them. They are designed for the Americans who are fighting, which is below the poverty line, or the ones that are sick, cannot work and cannot afford healthcare. This program is designed, not for millions of people who flooded the border and just want to stay in America and want to lift the tab to everyone else, “Perry adds.

Perry was less stupid when asked about labor-class families that were included when expanding the coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

Perry said, “Asked if their Medicaid Coverage was” saccanant “, I think every one of our frauds, waste and abuse needs to be seen and the states are gaming the system.”

He continued: “When you mention the expansion, what you are not mentioning is something like the supplier tax that is said that then charge the federal government and uses for other things that have nothing to do with Medicaid. So there are different things here. “

Perry said, “Chris, here is the money to be found and we’re going to find every bit of it because the American taxpayer spends their money and sends it to Washington and ill get sick when they break down in the country,” Perry said.

Hill is owned by the Nexter Media Group, which is also the owner of News.

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