A week after RFK Junior oath is a meeting of Key CDC Vaccin Panel HHS suspension

The first meeting of the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) Vaccine Advisory Committee has been postponed since the Robert F. Kennedy Junior Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary has been vowed.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) was prepared to discuss and vote on multiple vaccine issues for the meeting on February 26-28, recommended for using meningitis vaccine in children, and with new recommendations on influenza and RSV vaccines.

No time has been given for the meeting for the meeting.

HHS spokesman Andrew Nixon said in an email, “The ACIP meeting will be postponed to make public comments before the meeting.” “ACIP workgroups are combined as scheduled this month and will attend the upcoming ACIP meeting.”

The ACIP calls the CDC three times a year to advise the vaccine issue, but the agency does not have to follow the recommendations. However, if the CDC Director has signed up on the recommendations of the panel, the ACIP-Rickmard vaccine must be covered by health insurance.

ACIP members are not public servants. The panel includes the clinical medical fields as well as public health professionals and at least one consumer representative representative 18 voting members.

Public members can submit comments online through an official portal two weeks before the meeting, as well as register for lottery to live comments during the meeting. However, the online portal was never activated, unable to submit comments to the people.

The suspension has come up in an increasing fear of the future of the panel under the HHS led by one of the most prominent vaccine workers in the country. Kennedy and its allies have long been alleged that ACIP members are polluting HHS’s research priorities through interest conflicts and promised to start a conflict of interest in his hearing.

Wednesday is also an executive order issued by President Trump to review and target the Federal Advisory Committees for possible completion “launched [the] The basis that they are unnecessary, “including ACIP.

On Thursday afternoon, the ACIP members were not informed about any change in the meeting schedule, Dr. H. H. H. H. According to the Cape Talboat.

Partnerships against infectious diseases and 50 medical companies and experts, including the American Medical Association, sent a letter to Kennedy and acting CDC director Susan Monarez, calling for the re -determination of the meeting as soon as possible.

“To make America healthy, healthy discussions and timely, evidence-based decisions are needed. This meeting should not be different, “they wrote.” To re-open this critical meeting … Trump will represent a meaningful initial follow-up from the administration and its new HHS Secretary so Americans accept the information necessary to protect themselves from vaccine-resistable illness. Confirms the importance of making the American mission. “

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