BESSENT on Trump’s mutual threat: “This is not theater”

Treasury Secretary Scott Beesen defended President Trump’s recent decision to study the proposed mutual definitions instead of their enactment immediately.

“As we learned this with President Trump, you must take it in his speech. This is not a theater. Pesin said during an interview with him on Friday in“ Sabah with Maria ”, that the deadline on the first of April is a study that the Ministry of Commerce is making it on customs duties The global that applies to American products, separately separately.

“Also, we not only looks at the customs tariff, but we are looking into the non -carrier barriers, local content and such things. We are also looking to manipulate the currency.”

On Thursday, Trump signed a note that defines an operation to match the prices of foreign tariffs applied to the United States

Trade Secretary, Howard Lottenic and American Trade Actor, Jameson Jarir, will work with Pesin, and the Minister of Internal Security Christie Nayyv will suggest any proposed changes after reviewing the commercial contracts.

“As I said again and again, the United States has a strong dollar policy, but since we have a strong policy for the dollar, this does not mean that other countries have a weak currency policy,” Pesen said.

“Therefore, we will reach the equivalent of the index, what I call the mutual index, the countries separately, the distinct definitions, the non -fire, the commercial barriers and the currency processing.”

After receiving their proposals, the Director of the Department of the Department of Directors and Budget will submit a report within 180 days to assess the potential impact on trade relations.

Officials say it is possible to enact definitions early on April 2.

“I expect to get this report, and we will see how our commercial partners choose to respond, but I can tell you that if I need that, it will implement them,” Pesin said.

“As he said in the interview yesterday, this could be a great source of revenue for the American government.”

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