How can you affect your health while preserving daylight?

BlackSburg, V. (WFXR) – It’s the time of the year again. If you like it, hate it, don’t mind, or are on the fence, changing the clocks for daylight conservation seems to be always around the corner.

It was a matter of interest for many people recently and was a political conversation center, to completely quit calls in Congress. Experts have long agreed that you want to cancel one year of practice or not, that it can affect our health.

The most obvious effect is the change of sleep – when you are going one hour ahead of this weekend, you are losing an hour of sleep, unless you are able to be in bed a little more on Sunday.

Beyond the immediate disruption of your sleep, switching watches can cause disasters to our biological clock, according to Professor Karla Fincielstein of Virginia Tech’s Freilin Biomedical Research Institute, and the Institute’s molecular diagnostic diagnostics laboratory director.

“Research shows that daylight reduces the exposure of the morning sun during the preservation of the daylight with our biological watches, which can push our sleeping schedule later and have a negative impact on health,” explained earlier this month.

He also added, “It is better to have a standard period of our Circian rhythm, overall health and well -being.”

According to the National Medical Sciences Institute, the circadian rhythms affect our body’s activities, with sleep patterns, hormones, appetite and digestion, temperature, as well as some 24 hours every 24 hours every 24 hours every 24 hours.

Other health experts agreed with Finkielstine.

The permanent standard time is “unacceptablely” the best option for our health, “if you believe in science,” Dr. Alaina Tiani, a specialist in behavioral sleep medicine at Cleveland Clinic’s Sleep Disorder Center, told Nexter.

As Phenkilsstine mentions, Tiani mentions that getting adequate sunlight exposure in the morning is important for our melatonin system. When we experience the morning sun, our bodies stop hormone production to help us wake up.

According to Dr. Karin Johnson, a spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), and Dr. Karin Johnson, vice-president of the Quality for a permanent standard period, will be able to sleep more than sleeping during the next sunrise when the permanent standard time during the summer is made for sunrise.

Children, Johnson mentioned among those who could most benefit from early sunlight. He presented a survey conducted in India, where it was found that the children who live permanently at the standard time did better work better than the children living in the state in the states that changed the clock twice a year.

Johnson also told Nexster that other studies have relatives between sleep and circadian rhythm deprivation and mental health problems, drug use, speedy, criminal behavior, educational performance and employment salary.

Johnson said, “We know that people grow up in the sleep-deprived population to become criminals.”

He also mentions that research has shown that when we are set and set later, as we observe during daylight, 20 percent more fatal car accidents occurred than the opposite side of the watch, often rejects a national event that reduces these national events by supporters of permanent daylight.

Another possible benefit of the permanent standard period? Reduce the suicide rate.

According to Johnson, a recent study has shown that switching to a permanent standard time instead of the seasonal daylight we are currently launching, suicide can be resisted every year, even though several thousand, even though they can prevent up to several thousand.

There is a historical speech beyond the health benefits, Johnson mentioned: The United States has tried to observe permanently permanent saving and “it failed.”

States are allowed to exempt themselves from the time of permanent daylight, but there is a lack of observation of daylight to save throughout the year. At present, only parts of Hawaii and Arizona observes the standard time of the standard time.

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