HPV vaccine credited to reduce the uterus practice rate

Very few predecessor wounds are found among young women who are through cervical cancer screening thanks to the Human Pepilomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

According to data published by the Morbidy and Death Weekly Report Centers of the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) has decreased by about 5 percent.

Every year about 10,800 incidents of cervical cancer occur in the United States, most of which are derived from infection from human papilomavirus.

For the first time HPV vaccine – Gardasil – was kept in the market in 2006. In addition to the growing screening rate, the rising vaccine has been constantly thrown into the cases of the disease.

The CDC report said, “The reducing monitoring of uterine preaching is consistent with the HPV vaccine effect and vaccination with the Assistant Advisory Committee on vaccination.

Data shows that those years have decreased by 37 percent of pre -constellation wounds in women over 25 to 29 years.

New information came a few weeks after the prominent vaccine was confirmed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Kennedy once called the HPV vaccine dangerous and played a vital role in organizing the case against the vaccine maker Mark.

According to the CDC, HPV is about 85 percent of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States, at any stage of their lives in sexual active adults.

CDC recommends that children aged 11 and 12 get HPV vaccine to protect them from the virus’s cancer strand before they are sexually active.

It further recommends that adults aged 18 and 26 if the vaccine does not get childhood, the vaccine provides the elderly to the elderly than this less protection.

According to the report, the CDC points out that the information is limited, but it is still the HPV vaccine “consistent impact” that is likely to be vaccinated in women of age.

Search also supports the existing recommendations of the agency for vaccinating children with “regular recommendations of cancer resistance”. “

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