Let’s expand the freedom of education in every state in every state

My point of view as a mother of two school ages knows almost everything I do, such as Casinator in the United States, and through my private life and talks with other parents, I understood the importance of achieving the comprehensive educational option as an option for every student in America.

For this reason, during the week of selecting national schools for this year, I was proudly joined as a participant sponsor of the children’s educational selection law, presented by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Employment and Retirement Pensions (R-La). This bill will enable millions of parents in Alabama and all over the country to reach high -quality education that suits their unique needs of their children, regardless of income or postal code.

When it comes to education, one size does not fit. Each family must be enabled to take the best possible choice to teach their child. For many, this may be their traditional local general school; For others, it may be a traditional public school elsewhere; It can be a general charter or a magnetic school; It may be a private school or a religious school; It can be a commercial school. Education can be at home. Or it can be a virtual academy or a hybrid solution.

The children’s educational option law will stimulate charitable donations to finance scholarships for families for use in K-12 education. These scholarships will finance tuition fees, additional educational services for children with special needs, educational lessons, home instructions, and countless other expenses. Up to 2 million students throughout the United States will benefit from these scholarships, whether they live in 32 states that have special laws to choose schools or 18 states that do not.

Although the educational law for children will provide students with students to better attend schools to serve their needs, it will not impose new costs or states from Washington on states, schools or families. Instead of running it by the US Department of Education, the children’s educational option law will serve as taxes through the Ministry of Treasury to generate special financial support for students from kindergarten to the twelfth grade.

It is already a real and truly tried model in 21 states, including Alabama’s great state. In fact, my main state has soon become a national pioneer in expanding the freedom of education from kindergarten to the twelfth grade and allowing families the opportunity to choose the best path for their children.

More than a decade ago, Alabama has adopted the educational scholarship program, a tax credit at the state level that generates scholarships funded by the private sector for students from the families of low -income and the working class, which provides these families more flexibility in choosing a school for their children. Only last year, we have become one of the 12 states that have passed the choice of comprehensive schools with hope and opportunity for the law of teaching our students, and providing education savings accounts for all families who have children of school age.

The expansion of parental selection has always been a good policy, and the need to do so has grown only during the past few years. The national evaluation of educational progress 2024 shows that American students did not recover from the loss of learning during the Kofid era caused by the closure of group schools during the epidemic. The current data shows that reading degrees in the fourth and eighth grade are still lower than 2019 levels, although the federal government adds approximately $ 200 billion above the basic educational spending K-12 during Covid. Everything shows that throwing money in this problem does not provide a firm solution.

We must go beyond the approach of barbaric spending without looking at the results. Instead, our government should encourage more control of parents to teach children, enable families to reach academic preparation that better meets their children’s needs and has the most opportunities to improve opportunities.

For millions of American families, the children’s educational option law will completely achieve this.

When more parents of low-income families have to the middle class freedom to choose their children’s schools-in a way that high-income parents-who have the ability to shop, find the preparation that checks all the boxes they see suitable. In fact, the numbers show this competitive effect of school selection increases accountability in both private and public education, which leads to high testing degrees, the safest schools and the most satisfied fathers.

According to the Edchoice Group for Educational Freedom Call, among 188 experimental studies conducted on the effectiveness of school selection policies over the past three decades, 163 positive results show, while only 11 indicate negative results.

Passing the educational choice for children’s children will allow parents and children across the United States to take advantage of the opportunities usually available to high -income families, which meets President Trump’s promise to choose comprehensive schools by enabling parents and students. This will be a great victory for diligent families. It will depend on the success of programs at the state level without dictating the education policy from above in Washington. It will create a permanent legacy of good education for generations of American children.

Katie Brett holds the position of Chairman of the Sub -Committee for Internal Security Credit in the Senate, Vice -President of the Labor, and Vice -Chairman of the National Century Committee.

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