Republicans need to cut Medicaid to hit the budget saving target, looking for CBO

According to the unexpected Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Republicans could not achieve their goals by reducing federal spending by $ 2 trillion in the next decade without cutting Medicaid.

In a report published on Wednesday, the CBO discovers that the government spends $ 381 billion on programs except Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which is under the power and trade committee.

This is a problem for the House Republicans, who are seeking to pay 880 billion dollars from programs in the committee to pay for the expansion of President Trump’s tax cut and border application fund.

One of the main goals is Medicaid, Joint Federal and State Financial Programs that provide health coverage to more than 72 million low -income Americans. Republicans have viewed Medicaid as a program with fraud and abuse and tried to impose its expenses for a long time.

CBO says that more than half of the $ 381 billion has already been paid. So if Republicans remove each program under any program other than Medicaid and Chip, it will only be able to save a maximum of $ 135 billion.

Republicans at the House improved the budget resolution last week, called for at least $ 2 trillion spending, the reunion process, which allow the Senate to bypass the Philibaster and pass a bill with just 5 votes.

Under the resolution, the energy and trade committee, which is overseeing the Medicaid, has been given the responsibility of identifying at least 80 880 billion dollars.

Trump, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La) and other Republican leaders argued that they were not targeting Medicaid. They say

Johnson said in a CNN interview last week that some steep potential cuts like some changes are out of the table to pay federally based on population than the current open-end entitlement. However, he opened the door to reduce the extended federal match for the Medicid Extension states and support work requirements with enthusiasm.

The report requested by the House Budget Committee is the top Democrat Rep. “Their plan will force the largest Medicaid cut in American history – all to pay for billionaire more taxes. The American people are worthy of knowing how much the Republicans are willing to pain in their own elements to reward their billionaire donors. “

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