Senate Democrats to ‘indiscriminate, indiscriminate’ shot at CDC

Sen Zone Osaf (D-Ga.) Blast the Trump administration by deciding to dismiss more than a thousand centers for employees of disease control and prevention (CDC) in one day.

“More than a thousand CDC workers in one day, indiscriminately firing Americans in contact with Americans’ disease, and earn career and livelihood for the world’s most talented doctors and scientists,” Osaf said in a statement.

Under the elimination of entry terms under an initiative of the Trump administration, about 10 percent of the agency’s employees representing about 1,300 CDC employees are losing their job.

A federal official at the meeting told the Associated Press that the leadership of the Atlanta -based agency was notified of the decision on Friday morning with an oral notice of the US Health and Human Services Department. This officer was not approved for the discussion and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

On Wednesday, Osaf Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy criticized the Senate confirmation, citing Kennedy publicly compared the CDC’s work with “Nazi Death Camps”.

“If this administration bolds and occupies the CDC, who is going to protect the nation from Ebola? Who’s going to protect the kids from the ham? Who is going to save us from TB? [tuberculosis]? “He asked in his Senate speech.

CDC, $ 9.2 billion dollars responsible for defending health threats, including the outbreak of Americans with the original budget. Prior to the cuts, the agency had 13,000 employees, worked over 2,000 in the US

There is a long history as a trusted source of honorable global leaders and health information in controlling CDC’s disease, as part of a team of top international health experts.

On Thursday, the Office of Personal Management (OPM) ordered the federal agencies to start the ending employees in their role for more than a year.

Although these workers have some job protection, it is easier to dismiss them during their entrance period, which depends on the agency for two years.

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