The legislator in California proposes the “chemical” borders at the state level
On Wednesday, Jesse Gabriel, a member of the House of Representatives in California, submitted legislation that creates the state’s drinking water standards on toxic “chemicals”, amid fears that the current federal borders can sink by Trump.
The AB 794 bill will guide the government water resources control Council to adopt the emergency regulations that will set at least borders with protection such as “the federal regulations that were valid on January 19, 2025, regardless of whether the requirements have been canceled or modified less rigorous .
Gabriel said at a web symposium on Wednesday that the emergency regulations should be issued by January 1, 2026, with official rules for follow -up and “to lock the protection currently in federal law.”
“California residents should not worry that drinking water is contaminated with toxic chemicals forever associated with deadly cancer and other serious health damages,” the assembly member added.
The protection concerned with the first national drinking water standards is ever related to cancer and polyotolocle (PFAs)-the border established by the Biden administration last April.
Badd by their inability to collapse in the body or in the environment, PFAS has been linked to a variety of cancer, reproductive issues and other serious diseases. They are found in many home products, including waterproof clothes, non -stick ponds and some cosmetics.
The Biden Environmental Protection Agency has placed legal borders for two of the most toxic PFAs, called PFOA and PFOS, in 4 parts per trillion for any of the two compounds. To return to it, a part of each trillion is equivalent to one drop of water in 20 Olympic swimming pools.
For three other types of PFAs – PFNA, PFHXS and Genx – The Environmental Protection Agency set the tape in 10 parts per trillion, with a threshold of two or more mixtures of Genx, PFNA, PFHXS and another compound called PFBS.
“This was a wonderful and historical step forward, and it is part of the moon’s cancer in the Biden administration and a truly important step to protect our societies from poisonous PFAs,” Gabriel said on Wednesday.
“Unfortunately, we recently witnessed efforts of companies pollutants to challenge federal standards,” the association’s member continued. “They are trying to weaken this protection and decline in this necessary protection for our societies.”
The uncertainty increases whether the Trump -led Environmental Protection Agency will seek to cancel federal drinking water standards. The administration has already withdrew a separate plan, but it is still pending, from the Baiden era, which would have set the emptying limits of PFAS in the industrial sector.
When the new draft law was presented, Gabriel admitted that “California is already behind 11 other states that have taken the state levels to protect its residents and societies.”
“We want to make sure that California joins this group of states, and that we are rising to ensure that our children and societies are protected from PFAs,” he said.
“We will do this so that we can protect our societies, regardless of what is happening at the federal level,” Gabriel added, noting that he and his colleagues intend to follow “the best science available while maintaining our ability, if necessary in the future, to strengthen protection.”
Juliana Milo, a professor of participating in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California Davis, emphasized the importance of enacting the bill, and PFAS described it as a “threat that has been ignored by reproductive health.”
She explained at the web symposium that exposure to PFAs has been linked to an increase in the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, complications of pregnancy and poisoning of pregnancy.
“These chemicals disrupt the function of hormones, which is necessary for healthy pregnancy and reproductive well -being,” said Milo.
She added: “The drinking water standards of the Environmental Protection Agency, which were completed last year, were a decisive step in public health protection, but now there is a real danger to weaken or dispose of this protection.”
Melissa Romero, California Politics Defense Director of Environmental voters, confirmed that California’s residents “deserve a solution that gives priority to their health and will lead to the steadfastness of the current president without the minimum standards.”
“Our health is at risk due to this inevitable decline in the basic regulations of PFAs,” Romero added.
Ensuring these feelings, Scott Faber, Senior Vice President of the Environmental Working Group, warned that “all our environmental protection is under attack.”
Faber said: “The pollutants are not limited to pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency only to weaken or cancel the standard of drinking water, but literally run the Environmental Protection Agency.” “California has no time to waste.”
Other countries that have already placed borders at the state level include PFAS in drinking water Mini, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rod Island, Fermont, Washington Weskonsen.
Regardless of the presence of a federal standard, water facilities in those states will need to maintain the amount of PFAS in drinking water to a minimum.
“This is not true for California,” he said.
Gabriel expressed his hope that he will be able to work on the bill through the state legislative body soon and obtain it on the office of the Gavin New Desome ruler (D), so that California can join other states that have already its own borders.
“This is related to the operative approach with the right sense organization that everyone should be able to knee,” Gabriel said. “Our children, families, and societies should not be exposed to deadly and toxic chemicals known in our waters.”
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