The permanent expansion of medical care in the field of health care is an easy victory from the two parties
Training has increased from the patient’s arrival to high -quality care and helped millions obtain effective and cost -effective medical support, especially for the elderly elderly and the rural. But its expanded coverage under medical care is now in danger. Congress should behave to keep the lifeblood of this embarrassment.
Before the epidemic, the pairing of medical trees was largely limited to medical care to those who lived in rural areas. However, the technological restrictions and the bureaucratic red tape prevented patients from making these visits from the comfort of their homes; They had to travel to healthy clinics from medical care to conduct virtual sessions to receive care.
The expanded coverage began in 2020, when Covid-19 prevented many Americans from being able to see their doctors in the office. Since then, health care has become a wide alternative to the physical visits of patients and doctors and has proven to be a method capable of meeting uncomfortable medical needs.
Last year, a study at the University of Yale University found that health care is equally effective from the doctor’s personal sessions. For those in tilted care, the study concluded that the degrees of “quality of life” were similar to those who traveled to the doctor’s office.
A distance health care provides patients and money. I decided to study 2023 for cancer patients that the visible doctor visits saved them with an average of 2.9 hours and $ 186 For each visit By eliminating travel expenses and losing income from spending time.
In 2018, the Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers concluded that health care has saved $ 60 million in travel costs alone. That was two years before Expanding Congress. Imagine what is this number today.
Health care is cheaper in the healthcare system. Penn Medicine discovered that the remote employees’ visits were “much less expensive to provide”-by 23 percent to be accurate-compared to personal consultations.
The giant insurance company found that health care visits from the insecurity cost $ 93 on average of less than that character, and that the virtual specialized visits provided up to $ 141 per visit by getting rid of unnecessary emergency room visits.
“For many of our customers,” CIGNA representative, “Virtual care is still the best way to meet their costs in an effective cost.”
The facts show that ER visits have already decreased as a result of covering the expanded medical care of health care. I avoided virtual visits to put additional burdens on these facilities, which leads to the liberalization of valuable ER resources to address life and death.
A remote healthcare is also the best environment. Health researchers at the University of California, Davis expected five Kalifornia health systems, which led to nearly 54 million travels that have been added to the carbon fingerprint in the country thanks to the availability of remote health care during the first two years of the epidemic.
The doctor remotely does not limit the patient’s arrival to the doctors inside their geographical proximity. This is important when someone should seek advice from specialized medical professionals who may practice a great distance from where the patient lives.
The expanded medical care for health care services has been renewed by Congress since 2020. At the end of 2024, with no plan, the Republicans agreed to a continuous decision to preserve the government open, which included a ruling to preserve the next two years.
President Trump and Elon Musk publicly opposed the ongoing decision, and the Republican Party’s support soon died. But a law at the last minute by Congress gave a distance coverage by extending the deadline to March.
Now the hour beats.
Health care for the benefit of all. Developments in programs, high -speed internet and communication technology have made it easy for doctors to access patients and provide important medical attention. It provides money and opens access to high quality care for everyone.
The federal government has a role in ensuring that patients continue to benefit from apparent medicine. There is no better efficiency model-the Trump administration platform itself-from a distance health care, which has proven to be an effective and cost-effective solution.
The expanded coverage of Enehealth has turned the way patients in America receive medical support. If it disappears, millions of Americans will lose. Congress can put an end to any doubt in the minds of a nation concerned to make it permanent.
Lindon Haveland, DRPH, MPH, is a distinguished researcher at the Cuny College of Public Health and Health.
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