Trump has signed an executive order than recommended to reduce IVF expenses

President Trump on Tuesday signed the Federal Agencies to an executive order managed to find ways to reduce high expenditures of Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment.

According to a Fact Sheet in the White House, the order instructs the Council to recommend “how to ensure reliable access to IVF”. It determines the 90 -day deadline for submission of recommendations.

“Fertilization, I’m saying that we are going to do what we have to do. And I think the woman-and family, is very appreciated for the husband, “Trump said at an event at Mar-A-Lago.

According to the American Society of Breeding Medicine, the average cost of a cycle of IVF is about $ 15,000 and many patients require multiple cycles before achieving a successful pregnancy.

A Fact Sheet in the White House says “Recommendations will concentrate on how to ensure reliable access to IVF.” “IVF will also be given priority in dealing with any current principles, including laws that increase the cost of treatment.”

Trump promised during the 2021 President’s promotion that he would confirm that IVF treatment would be covered by the government or the government would need insurance agencies to cover it.

The executive order does not directly address that promise, but the determination: The National Infertility Association says it is a committed first step-as long as it was followed.

“From my point of view, this is a really good first step,” said Barbara Kolura, CEO of the group. “The government, they like to report. So let’s see what the report says and then once it is published. “

Last year, the Senate Republicans twice blocked the law that secured IVF’s access and made the treatment more affordable, called political stunts from the Democrats.

Kolura said that he needed private health insurers to cover the IVF, pregnancy and fertility conservation services so that this year is optimistic about bilateral house laws.

The fertility service law with hope was introduced by the then-rape last year. Lorry Chavez-Derimer (R-Ore.), Who is now a nominee for the Labor Department. The bill has not yet been re -launched.

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