Trump nominates the character “Sharpiegate” for NOAA

President Trump Nil Jacobs, a former official in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) participating in the “Sharpiegate” episode during the first period of Trump, nominated the leadership of NOAA.

Jacobs, the world of the World Meteorological Organization at the same time, was confirmed for the first time as the assistant minister of commerce for environmental monitoring and prediction in 2018. .

In September 2019, after Trump apparently used Sharpie to change the expected path of Hurricane Dorian on a map to photograph Alabama on her way, Jacobs participated in the drafting of the Noaa statement supporting Trump’s overthrow. The storm did not eventually arrive in Alabama.

The NOAA internal report for 2020 Jacobs and the Director of Communications at Nawa, Julie Kai Roberts, decided the agency’s scientific integrity policy by issuing the statement.

Since then, the nomination, which AXIOS has first informed, has been presented to the Senate.

Jacobs’s nomination comes in a period of wide uncertainty about the future of Noaa. Project 2025, ambitious haven for reshaping the conservative government collected by the Heritage Corporation, calls for privatization of many NOAA jobs or resetting them to other agencies. Trump activated the plan on the campaign’s path, but his actions since his return to the White House have led to comparisons with its comparison with the federal bureaucracy, and one of its main authors, Russell Fair, nominated the leadership of the Management and Budget Office.

During his confirmation session, Howard Lottenic, Trump’s candidate for the Minister of Commerce, said he will not follow the disintegration of Noa or reset its functions if confirmed. The Ministry of Commerce is honored.

“I want to do it correctly, and the trade is now doing this correctly, so I have no interest in its chapter,” said Lottennik in response to an interrogation from Senator Maria Kaneuel.

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