Trump pushes heavy pushes in the Family Planning Overseas Foreign Assistance Help

Thousands of women, girls and couples abroad with foreign assistance of the Trump administration have influenced family planning resources, causing several health clinics to stop and prevent supply chains for contraception.

In the first week of signing an executive order to break the first day in the office on its first day, as a result of an analysis of the family planning of more than 912,000 women and girls who received US-assisted in the country, the Guttamcher Institute, an abortion- The right research group.

This analysis further assumed that at least 8,340 pregnant people would die as a result of a break at the end of the 90 -day period of April.

In many countries, break clinics have forced employees to reduce employees, according to the Advocacy Group Population Action International, and several remaining assistance in the chaos and uncertainty surrounded by this order have frozen the workers.

This refrigerator also created Kinks in the chain of family planning, according to the Senior Director of the US Government Affairs Group, Rachel Clement, because in the future collections have been paused.

Clement says the supplies of contraception purchased before the frost are unused because they do not have enough workers to distribute or the remaining workers are not sure what they can do legally to them.

For example, Zambia received a large number of assistance funds in the United States in 2021, sent about $ 600 million assistance to the United States, which was used for family planning for family planning, sharing a Federal Data breakdown of Guttamcher with the institute.

According to UN Population Fund Advocacy and Communication Specialist Rachel Menihan, US-savvy condom piles are now lying in unused warehouses, which causes deficiency in clinics across the country. The Zambian government has increased twenty times in their own commitment to the family planning products to help meet the US supply gap and increase it twenty times. However, in many other countries, the gap left by the refrigerator remains incomplete.

Clement said, “This is really the whole system that is being trapped by it,” said the climate. “And it has a trick-down effect where people are trying to make this hard decision in a funding environment where there is no replacement.”

“There is no other global donor that the US government was able to take action at the level that was funded on these issues.”

The US agency for International Development (USAID), State Department and other programs, including the cost of other programs, provide several billion billion billions of dollars of foreign assistance every year. It gave $ 72 billion dollars in 2023.

These funds included $ 607.5 million budget for USAID’s nominated family planning and reproductive health program, which was launched in 1965. In 2023, the program provided 29 million oral contraceptive pills and 137.7 million male condoms to IT services as well as 19.2, according to agency data.

This year alone, this program helped to supply 24.2 million women and couples with contraceptives and to prevent 8.1 million accidental pregnancy across 41 countries and prevent 14,000 maternal mortality.

According to the agency, the family planning that helps prevent such fatalities is that the use of condoms reduces the spread of HIV and AIDS; Reduction of unsafe abortion; And when they have a baby, women are able to gain the place of women and reduce pregnancy and postpartum problems, which allow their bodies to be fully recovered from every pregnancy.

Family planning and reproductive health advocacy groups are worryingly and the Trump administration’s efforts to keep on vacation workers will probably decrease significantly – if the agency’s large number of workers’ large majority or shutdown is completely down.

The Secretary of Secretary, Marco Rubio, said at the end of last month that “life -saving humanitarian assistance” would be exempted from the break.

According to the UN Population Fund, the Aid workers in the field are working on “honest faith” to understand what this downturn is and what does not cover.

“In our minds, of course, the family plan is life saved, it changes life,” said Mayinihan. “It allows people to be healthy when it can gain the place of pregnancy”

Hill reached the State Department for comments and more information.

Multiple federal judges also ruled that foreign aid funds and USAID administration steps to block the steps.

Washington Federal District Court Judge Amir H. Ali ordered that the frost was temporarily withdrawn on Thursday night, writes that the administration officials did not give any explanation for the blanket suspension with foreign allotted foreign aid, which stopped the country, non -profit and agencies for thousands of agencies. Wave and Upanded Reliance were the logical pioneer to review the programs. ”

Other judges have blocked the plan to keep thousands of USAID employees in the Trump administration on leave and have been instructed to temporarily stop the foreign assistance agreement and grants before the inauguration of Trump.

Several Democratic Attorney General and Grant Recipients have said that the administration does not comply with the court’s verdict, but the federal grant is obstructing the administration’s separate hem.

And, advocates say foreign aid breaks have already done some possible lethal damage to someone.

“If we were able to switch that assistance again, they need them that you can’t just break,” the Population Action International Clement said. “Pregnant people cannot break their pregnancy.”

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