Trump should not be exempted to Sam Bancan Muqali

If President Trump is serious about restoring confidence in the regime and standing against corruption, he must not pardon Sam Benkman.

The disgraceful encryption billionaire, convicted of one of the largest financial fraud in modern history, has put his attention on the compassion. According to what his parents, both of them are prominent legal scholars, are behind the scenes to secure an agreement to reduce the fraud penalty for 25 years.

This cannot happen.

Bankman-Fric’s crimes were not accidents. They were not the result of reckless investment or the unexpected market slowing. They were deliberate, their account and their execution with the arrogance of a man believed to be above the consequences. He defrauded thousands of people, wiped their lives, all as he put himself as care, could reshape the world of financing.

He played the role of politicians, journalists and organizers, such as dolls, all during the operation of what was a disguised Punzi scheme to exchange advanced cryptocurrencies.

FTX was not just a failed work; It was a criminal empire. Bankman-PRID got billions of dollars in customer deposits, and instead of protecting them, he transferred the money to his trading company, Alameeda Research. He has dealt with customer money like his personal pig bank, which indulges in exorbitant spending on real estate, political donations and a lifeline lifestyle for himself and his close clients. His empire spent $ 40 million on luxury real estate in the Bahamas, $ 15 million on private aircraft and catering covenants, and $ 135 million on naming rights in Miami Heat Arena.

Unlike other financial criminals, who are at least trying to cover their paths, the Bankman-Fried act is the opposite. It boasts of its wealth and its effect. He became one of the largest donors of the Democratic Party, using its stolen wealth to buy political access and dramatically from scrutiny. At one time, he cultivated carefully public personality focused on an alleged commitment to “effective altruism”. It was just an elaborate performance designed to persuade others that he was likely to be less individual to commit a fraud.

And it succeeded – until the card house decreased.

When FTX exploded in November 2022, the extent of destruction became clear. Thousands of investors, from young merchants to institutional companies, have lost everything. Unlike the Wall Street incidents, which mainly affect hedge and bank boxes, FTX fraud on daily life affected deeply. The ordinary people who trusted the security and innovation assurances at the Bankman-Fric have woke up to discover their savings. Some have lost their pension boxes, while others left only debts.

The effective attractiveness was a great book.

Pardoning Bankman-PRIED will send a message that financial crimes, regardless of their boldness, lack severe consequences. It would enhance the increasing belief that America has a two-level dual judicial system-where the result of the connection and the well-known and the politically beneficial gets a free pass while ordinary people face harsh penalties.

Trump presents himself as a candidate for law and order. He ran the idea of ​​draining the swamp. To stay fixed, there is no reason to allow the bank fried to walk.

The idea that it should be pardoned simply because other financial criminals have been mainly compensated. In fact, it is ridiculous. It is closer to saying that the bank’s thief must be allowed to keep the stolen money because some thieves escape capture, or that the smuggled driver deserves immunity because not every speed gets a ticket.

Justice is not related to the treatment of previous failures retroactively; It comes to support for the law as it exists today.

Let’s not forget that the Bankman-Fric fraud was so terrible that even the administration that was at risk as former President Joe Biden had to take action. The Ministry of Justice, which ignored many financial and political scandals, had no choice but to prosecute.

If they cannot overlook his crimes, how can Trump justify his exemption?

Bankman-Fred embodies everything that the Americans hate from the corrupt elite. The entrepreneur in the insight took a reckless gamble. He was convinced that he was convinced that his political wealth and ties made him unmistakable. He was greedy, arrogant and completely mercy. His entire empire was built on lies, and when it collapsed, he pretended to be innocent, and insisted that he was just an unfortunate mistake instead of the result of deliberate deception.

President Trump is seen by millions as a voice in favor of voice. In other words, it represents the people withdraw by the bank-American bank, retirees and young investors. Their betrayal is now by concluding a deal with one of the most financially financial criminals in our time that would undermine everything he claims to support.

Justice cannot be selective. Criminal criminals must understand that there is a line – and if it crosses it, you will pay.

John Mac Gallion is a writer and researcher who explores culture, society and the effect of technology on daily life. His work appears in outlets like New York Post and Newsweek.

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